Timber & Firewood

Timber & Firewood

Harvesting of Timber & Firewood through scientific forestry operation and selling them to the Local public to meet their need for various household purposes at a concessional rate and also for commercial purpose through Tender ,Auction & Retail Sales are the mainstay operation of the OFDC Ltd. Main source of timber and firewood is from the forest coupes delivered by forest department as per the prescriptions of Annual working plans/Working schemes.

OFDC Ltd. also receives timber and firewood salvaged from forest floor, timber seized by the Forest Department in forest offence cases, tenant timber and from developmental project areas like roads, railways, refineries, mining etc. After harvesting, these timber and firewood are brought to various depots maintained at different places in the State. OFDC has more than 130 nos of Timber and Firewood Depot across the state for sale of these products.

OFDC makes retail sales of timber and firewood in addition to the auction/tender sales. From the FY 2013-14 OFDC has started retail sale of Timber, Firewood etc to all Customers at OFDC’s general selling rate.

CLICK HERE.. to view our general selling rate

Sawn Timber & Sawn Firewood

OFDC deals with Sawn timbers that is cut from Round Timber logs into different shapes and sizes. Sawn timbers are sold in e-Tender/Auction sales. Also OFDC makes retail sales of Sawn timbers to general public at OFDC’s general selling rate.

In order to meet the sawn timber requirement of the people, OFDC converts Round logs into various planks, scantling, sleeper beam, Batten and reapers etc of different marketable sizes and sells these sawn timber through general sales and also through Auction/tender. The timber wastes generated out of conversion of Logs into different sawn sizes are also sold by the corporation in Retail/tender/auction sale.

Saw Mill Operations

OFDC Ltd. is operating 9 nos of Saw Mills at Berhampur (Ganjam), Khapuria (Cuttack), Jeypore (Koraput), Maithili (Malkanagiri), Nowrangpur, Remed (Sambalpur), Muniguda, Kantabanjhi and Rourkela for meeting timber sawing requirement of the general people.

Sawmilling is an important steps in wood utilisation. Round logs are sawn into planks, scantling, sleeper beam, Batten and reapers etc for various uses.

Sawmill cater to the need of Sawn Timber for domestic use as door and window frame, shutter and for various wooden furniture. Sawn Timber has its use in furniture industry. Thus, use of wood cannot be thought of without sawmill.

Odisha Forest Developmental Corporation have been catering to the sawing needs requirement of Domestic and industrial consumption through its 9 Sawmills situated at Berhampur (Ganjam), Khapuria (Cuttack), Jeypore (Koraput), Maithili (Malkanagiri), Nowrangpur, Remed (Sambalpur), Muniguda, Kantabanjhi and Rourkela.

Production of Timber & Firewood during the last Five years are furnished below

Round Timber Production

Qnty in Cum

Working Year No.of Coupes Worked Timber Production
Coupe Salvaging & UD Case Other Sources Total
2015-16 111 17934 36371 4828 59133
2016-17 109 18075 10169 5989 34233
2017-18 107 15080 5399 6335 26814
2018-19 95 15206 6506 12733 34445
2019-20 96 14001 4538 6462 25001

Round Firewood Production

Qnty in Stack(12’x3’x3’)
*1 Stack=1 ton

Year No.of Coupes Worked Timber Production
Coupe Salvaging Other Sources Total
2015-16 111 9581 7014 1518 31713
2016-17 109 5280 6750 16874 28904
2017-18 107 7720 2886 13296 23902
2018-19 95 8405 1805 19166 29376
2019-20 96 6382 4551 11108 22041